Armor parameters:
Slot - slot ID to set in
Ph.def (%) - resistance to physical damage
En.def (%) - resistance to energy damage
Ph.def per upgrade lvl (%) - bonus resistance to physical damage per each upgrade level
En.def per upgrade lvl (%) - bonus resistance to energy damage per each upgrade level
Weight - Weight of the armor
Durability loss per shot - a loss of durability, if the relative zone is damaged
Default durability = 100 for every armor
Max durability - a sum of Default durability and the bonus gets by armor upgrade.
Level - rank in a crafting system
Str bonus - bonus to strength parameter
Dex bonus - bonus to dexterity parameter
Tch bonus - bonus to technology parameter
Sta bonus - bonus to stamina parameter
Body parts can be hidden by armor - every armor has a list of Body zones to hide if the armor is equipped.
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