Shot logic
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With an aim and shooting two types of cells determine: cell_goal and cell_possible;
All the weapon has parameters cell_goal, cell_possible;
Obstacles in the shooting line reduce a hitting chance by n%. The cell calculates as an obstacle if the distance from the cell center to the nearest point on the shooting line is less than 0,5. Formula: (CellPosition - ShotlinePoint) < 0.5;
On-aim action: High obstacles block the throwing/shooting RPG action;
On the grid, while shooting action, the cells are indicated by gradient color: from grey to green - according to the hit chance (the higher - the greener);
cell_goal_chance - a chance to hit an enemy in cell_goal;
cell_posible_chance - chance to hit an enemy in cell_possible ;
A weapon loses its durability per shot;
An Armor loses its durability per hit;
The player can choose any cell while aiming to shoot, but not obstacles. Zones with character on it also are possible to aim;